
Technological opportunities and challenges

Opening || 9 - 9.15

Inaugural event
Mrs. Marta Madrenas, Mayor of Girona
Mr. Lluís Amat, deputy for Medio Ambiente of the Diputación de Girona
Mr. Isaac Peraire, director of the Waste Agency of Catalonia
Mr. Angel Hervella, director of Local and Autonomous Management of Ecoembes

WARM UP || 9.15 - 9.50

Sansó’s warm up will serve as an introduction to the day, where he will place the increasing relevance of technology in our society and in the society of the future. He will talk about the concept of urban innovation and how it advances to make cities smarter and more sustainable. 

Founder & CEO of Elsebits

MIWA - BELGIUM: Two waste collection systems and a unique integrated technology of user ID || 9.50 - 10.30

Sven Peeters – MIWA Managing Director

Aiming to reduce residual waste production, MIWA initially focused its efforts on increasing the price of the garbage bags and on awareness-raising campaigns. However, the efforts did not produce the expected results. With the introduction of the new door to door container with user ID and system whereby households pay per kilogram of residual waste they dispose of, a large part of the responsibility was placed on the residents themselves and thus obtained better results. The collection system is combined with locking access containers in those areas where it is not viable a door to door collection system.

Coffee break || 10.30 - 10.50

Innovation Lab || 10.50 - 11.40

  • Agència de Residus de Catalunya | Associació de centres i serveis de reutilitzaciió de Catalunya10.50 – 11

  • Grau Maquinària 11 – 11.10

  • Nexus Geographics 11.10 – 11.20

  • Seigarbost 11.20 – 11.30

  • URD Group 11.30 – 11.40

TREVISO: A consolidated door-to-door model that implements a technological change || 11.45 - 12.30

Paolo Contò
Direttore del Consiglio di Bacino Priula. Consiglio di Bacino Priula

Among the 49 municipalities that are part of the Consiglio di Bacino Priula, province of Treviso, they will expose the evolution of different user identification technologies, applied to the door-to-door waste collection system. Through the reading systems from low to high frequency ranges. This technology allowed set up a payment per generation based on the contribution of the rest and organic fractions.

PISA: Container system with access control for all fractions || 12.20 - 12.50

Marco Redini
Responsabile Unità Operativa Ambiente. Comune di Pisa

The capital of Tuscany is a spotlight due the transition from two to four fraction containers as a strategy to reduce improper waste collection in the historic center and the coast. In addition, other neighborhoods across the city have implemented a door-to-door collection system. They will present what the technological deployment of this unique model implies, both at a logistical and data processing level.

SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN: Identification of bumps in door-to-door collection for a fairer rate system And how to adapt the system in areas with verticality || 12.50 - 1.25 p.m

Dennis Kissel
CEO AWSH Abfallwirtschaft Südholstein GmbH

AWSH consists of the districts of Herzogtum Lauenburg and Stormar, with an estimated population of 500,000 inhabitants where they have consolidated a system of door-to-door collection with bujols. These have a linked tag and the waste fee is charged based on the size of the bin and the contracted collection frequency. In multi-family blocks, this laxa customization poses certain challenges that are intended to be solved with the use of closed community containers.

Questions & Sharings || 13.25 - 13.45

Lunch || 13.45 - 14.30

Innovation Lab || 14.30 - 15.10

  • Disseny Barraca 14.30 – 14.40

  • Aporta cooperativa d’innovació 14.40 – 14.50

  • Rototank 14.50 – 15.00

  • DORLET waste 15.00 – 15.10

Talks & Debate || 15.15 - 17.30

  • Agència de Residus de Catalunya 15.15 – 15.25

    Efficient selective collection systems in Catalunya
    Pilar Chiva – Director of Agència de Residus de Catalunya’s circular economy area

  • Manlleu 15.25 – 15.35

    The door to door with user ID technology in a city of more than 20,000 inhabitants
    Mª Dolors Colom i Montse Bosch – Environmental Technician at Manlleu City Council and Manager of PreZero Spain

  • Girona 15.35 – 15.45

    Smart closed and grouped containers

  • Tarragona 15.45 – 15.55

    Three pilot trials involving three different access control technologies
    Lídia Bartra Celdrán – Head of Public Services Management of the Tarragona City Council

  • Garbitania 15.55 – 16.05

    Usurbil’s experience: 14 years with an identified door to door
    Amaia Martiarena – Usurbil Waste Technique

  • Debate 17.30 – 19.00

    Time to highlight experiences of national interest and to discuss the issues covered in the international presentations, as well as their extrapolation into our context.
    Round table moderated by Víctor Mitjans – Head of the waste prevention and planning service of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area


Legal opportunities and challenges

Opening || 9 - 9.15


WARM UP by Juan José Pernas Garcia || 9.15 - 9.40

Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Coruña, coordinator of the Knowledge Exchange Forum on Waste and the Circular Economy and Consultant on Law 7/2022 on Waste and Contaminated Soil for a Circular Economy, he will put into context  the existing regulatory framework that ID collection systems must adhere to in order to move towards generational payments.

Professor of Administrative Law

MARTIN STEINER: 10 basic principles on taxation and waste || 9.40 - 10.05

Martin Steiner – Consultor TBU

Martin Steiner, a well-known Austrian consultant, will explain the criteria that must be considered when designing a waste rate through 10 commandments or basic principles from a functional and simplistic perspective.

IGNASI PUIG: A new framework for waste taxation and local financing || 10.05 - 10.30

Ignasi Puig

Project Manager of ENT Medi Ambient i Gestió

Ignasi Puig, tax expert, will outline key concepts for waste taxes and local financing in the new state legal framework.

Coffee break || 10.30 - 10.50

Innovation Lab || 10.50 - 11.50

  • Ecoembes 10.50 – 11

  • GBI PAPREC11 – 11.10

  • ID&A 11.10 – 11.20

  • PreZero 11.20 – 11.30

  • Novamont 11.30 – 11.40

  • Agència de Residus de Catalunya | Clúster de Residus de Catalunya 11.40 – 11.50

GARANTE PER LA PROTEZIONE DEI DATI PERSONALI: Data protection and privacy regulations when the user's participation in waste collection is identified || 11.55 - 12

Francesca Cecamore – Head of the Directorate of the Italian Data Protection Authority

MONZA: The municipal waste order compliance inspection system and other related legal issues. || 12.15 - 13

Serena Trussardi & Valentina Guelpa – Directors of Environment and Energy Division at Comune di Monza.

They will talk about how they have regulated the waste collection service, which is a door-to-door model. The contibution of the residual fraction is identified through the “Sacchi rossi”, a certified semi-transparent bag which contains an RFID label to identify the user. All the legal aspects related to this identification will be presented, as well as the inspection system that ensures the proper separation of waste at source.

ALESSANDRO MANTELERO: Privacy by design || 13 - 13.25

Alessandro Mantelero – Jean Monnet Chair in Mediterranean Digital Societies and Law, Politecnico di Torino

What is Privacy by design? What are the requirements to guarantee the success of implementations with a model of collection with identification? Data protection expert Alessandro will provide us with clarity on these aspects.

Questions & Sharings || 13.25 - 13.45

Lunch || 13.45 - 14.30

Innovation Lab || 14.30 - 15.10

  • Maya 14.30 – 14.40

  • MOBA14.40 – 14.50

  • Komtainer14.50 – 15.00

  • Moheda Group15.00 – 15.10

Talks & Debate || 15.15 - 17.30

  • Agència de Residus de Catalunya 15.15 – 15.25

    Tools to assist in implementing equitable rates
    Teresa Guerrero – Head of the Selective Collection Promotion Service of Agència de Residus de Catalunya

  • Catalan Data Protection Authority
    15.25 – 15.35

    Privacy and fair rate
    Xavier Urios Aparisi- Head of the Legal Department APDCAT

  • Madrid
    15.35 – 15.45

    The municipal waste ordinance of Madrid
    Enrique García Romero – Head of Legal Service and Administrative Coordination of the General Directorate of Cleaning and Waste of the Environment and Mobility Department of the Madrid City Council

  • Urola Erdiko Mankomunitatea
    15.45 – 15.55

    Inspection procedures of bags in closed containers
    Orkatz Goenaga – Urola Erdiko Environmental Services Manager

  • Cardedeu
    15.55 – 16.05

    Data protection related to the door-to-door ID collection service.
    Verònica Vidal – Councilor of the Environment, urban greem, mobility and services of Cardadeu City Council

  • Debate 17.30 – 19.00

    A time to highlight experiences of national interest and debate the topics addressed in the international presentations, as well as their extrapolation in our context.
    Round table moderated by Aloia López- Lawyer, Terraqui


Behavioral opportunities and challenges

Opening || 9 - 9.15

Ismael Garcia Gil
Innovation Specialist at The Circular Lab

WARM UP by Mónica Utrera || 9.15 - 9.50

In her presentation at Warm Up, Monica Utrera will discuss what happens to our brain when facing a change and what ways and methods exist to be able to do so.

Salacea & Provincia de Bihor - Romania. Are there social limits in the implementation of an identification system? || 9.50 - 10.30

The municipality of Salacea, as the first identified door to door system, has served as an example to extend this model to part of the province of Bihor. The implementation of this collection system was combined with a strong education and outreach campaign to increase the trust and commitment of the communities. In addition to participating in a social inclusion project together with the University of Sociology of Oradea.

HORVÁTH BÉLA — Mayor of Salacea 


Coffee break || 10.30 - 10.50

Innovation Lab || 10.50 - 11.50

  • Associació de Municipis Catalans per la recollida selectiva Porta a Porta10.50 – 11

  • Urbaser 11 – 11.10

  • ID·Waste 11.10 – 11.20

  • Spora11.20 – 11.30

  • FCC Medi Ambient 11.40 – 11.50

STOCKHOLM - Empirical study on behavior in front of several new waste collection models || 11.45 - 12.20

Henrik Siepelmeyer – PhD student, Master, Graduate University of UiA and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm Lars-Olov Andersson – Technical Director, Head of Pneumatic Waste Collection Systems, SVOA – Stockholm Vatten och Avfall, SWE

In the area of Stockholm Royal Seaport, located in the city of Stockholm, has implemented a unique waste data collection system. It is equipped with RFID technology and the pneumatic collection system, to obtain information on domestic waste in residential areas and involve residents in interventions aimed at increasing recycling and reducing the total amount of waste. Data from user-identified waste systems is used to provide feedback based on social norms to residents, and thus be able to improve behaviors on recycling levels. The feedback is available through a mobile app, but in addition, additional work is being done with different face-to-face performances to improve performance.

HERTFORDSHIRE - Waste Aware: How to involve citizens in waste recycling? || 12.20 - 12.50

Helena Jackson – WasteAware Coordinator

Waste Aware in the Hertfordshire region, has a long track record in communication campaigns to increase participation citizen and transmit good practices. They will explain to us what are the aspects to take into account when designing a campaign and how to do it so that it is successful, as well as exemplify some of the actions that have a greater impact

NETHERLANDS - Behavioral psychology: a key element in the implementation of new waste collection systems || 12.50 - 13.25

Luuk Bos
Behavioral psychologist and Sustainability Teamlead | D&B

Questions & Sharings || 13.25 - 13.45

Lunch || 13.45 - 14.30

Innovation Lab || 14.30 - 15.20

  • Ingesan – OHLA14.30 – 14.40

  • Ecocomputer 14.40 – 14.50

  • Fundació Solidança14.50 – 15.00

  • Ros Roca 15.00 – 15.10

  • Nord Easy Ibérica 15.10 – 15.20

Closure Experience by Marta Romo || 15.30 - 17.30

Marta Romo — Neuroscience expert

In the Closure Experience, Marta Romo will close the day and the Forum by making the attendees reflect through various dynamics and providing guidelines to be taken into consideration to ensure the acceptance of any change.

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